Sadly, one aspect of many slot games that has never been given much thought and one that has not evolved in the same way as other slot games features and bonus games is the gamble game option that quite a number of slot machines have on offer.
In fact, whilst you are going to find hundreds of different slot games available to you online that will offer you the option of taking a gamble game, when you do take the gamble game option you are then faced with the very same type of feature round.
That is one on which you are simply faced with having to do nothing more exciting than trying to guess whether a playing card that has not yet been revealed is going to be a red one or a black one, guess correctly and you will double the amount of cash you gambled.
Another option some of those rather old gamble game features will offer you is to guess the suit of that card correctly, if you guess correctly you initial gambled amount is quadrupled in value. Below we are taking a look at some new gamble game options which we think you will enjoy playing off.
You will find a number of brand new slot games on which when you decide to play off the gamble game will give you a different type of playing structure on that gamble game, one that has and is proving to be very popular with players is a coin tossing based bonus game.
If you do come across a slot offering this type of gamble game then you have to pick whether a coin that is going to be flipped into the air will land tails upwards or heads upwards, a correct decision will see your gambled amount doubled in value instantly.
The best aspect of this type of gamble game is that it is random, and as you do have an exact 50/50 chance of winning no matter which outcome you pick you will always have a very fair chance of winning when you have chosen to play off that bonus game. Also if you do pick a winning outcome you will be able to take that gamble game a second time.
Another type of gamble game that we think many slot players will enjoy playing off is one on which you will be playing off a dice rolling based bonus game.
How this type of gamble game will be designed is that you will simply have to guess whether after the roll of the dice, when all of the up facing sides of the dice have been added together an odd or even number will be arrived at
Once again his type of gamble game is a 50/50 type of outcome and as such with a tad of luck you could have a series of winning outcomes on that gamble game.
Be aware that sometimes the gamble game will have a special display on which you will see the outcome of the last few rolls and tosses of the dice, however the previous outcomes will never have any bearing on what will be rolled in next, so always use your judgment in regards to whether you ink and odd or even number will be rolled in as both of those outcomes have an even chance of being rolled in!
One thing is guaranteed in regards to slot players, and that is that each player is going to have their own unique playing systems and strategies when playing real money slots.
So with that in mind in regards to when is the best time to make use of any slot machines gamble game option, every player will have this own thoughts on when to use that optional gamble game is!
What we have found however is that many players will only use the gable game option when they have spun in a low valued winning payout on the base game for they will not want to turn the very real risk of losing a high valued winning payout by taking the gamble game.
Also when you do gamble just the very lowest of winning payout you can take the gamble game multiplier times, as long as you have had a winning outcome, and as such with a little bit of luck in playing you could be lucky enough to have a series of winning gamble game outcomes which in turn will see you turning a low valued winning payout into a much high valued payout, but never get too greedy when sing the gamble game option a you may just lose when taking it!