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Bets In The Online Casino – The Myths And The Truth

Do not think, that I decided to write about sports betting, indeed, there is a casino at sport clubs, where you can combine the game in the casino and betting on your favorite football team. No, we shall speak about the usual game in the casino, you bet money in the game of blackjack, poker or roulette, it is about such bets that I want to talk. The fact is that a lot of questions and even myths arouse around these bets. I will try if it will be possible to answer such questions and doubts.

Let’s start from the beginning. Many gamblers first try to play on funny money – try software, try to develop some strategy. After that is done the deposit and the strategies that seem to have worked on testing suddenly stop working. In this connection a question arouses – whether the game is played the same in the mode of practice or for real money?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Let’s start with the case when you practice offline (you downloaded the software, but play without connecting to the Internet). In this case, you use an internal RNG (random number generator) of the computer, and when playing online the RNG of the server is used, it is often a separate special device. It is clear that the results may be different. If in both cases the game goes online, everything will depend on the casino. The game should be the same for funny money and for real money, leading manufacturers of the software the casino promises this sort of things. However, some not too honest casinos may as well “correct” the game for funny money in favor of the player, and for real money, on the contrary, in their own favor.

In addition, the problem of funny money has also a psychological aspect – it is much easier to bet, raise bets for funny money than for real money. As a result the gambler may deviate from his strategy or simply suffer losses, which were for funny money, but quickly forgotten, more strongly with real money.

On the whole I would not recommend using the game in the mode of practice as a basis for the creation of strategies or selecting a casino to play. In general only a few minutes of practice are enough to become familiar with the interface, after that it is better not to waste time, and begin to play for real money, even just for the minimum.

The next question that quite logically arises from the previous – does the casino play identically with the large and the small bets?
Theoretically, the table of benefits and the rules do not change when interest rates change (the exception is payment for the royal flush in video poker, which increase when playing five coins, but this changing in favor of the player is specified in the payoff table), that is, the results should be the same regardless of the bets. Again, the practice of my (and not only my) play at the leading casino confirms this theory. But if the casino is unfair, it may well be opposed against the gamblers, increasing the bets. However, to prove this fact will be very difficult, so again I advise you to play in proven casinos with software from famous manufacturers, as the likelihood of fraud on the part of the casino is practically equal to zero.

Many gamblers are looking for a “safe” strategy of game in roulette. Most often this search leads to a strategy of change of bets, the most popular of which is the martingale. You can read more about the different strategies of change of interest bets on the page devoted to roulette strategies. And the essence of a martingale is the fact that in case of loss the bet is increased twice. For example, you have to bet $1 and lost 4 times in a row, then you win, your output will look like this: -1, -2, -4, -8, +16 – total +1. It all looks so beautiful – the gambler remains in the positive, even after a few losses. But can a martingale or any other system of bets really give a win-win strategy, or at least increase the mathematical expectation (ME)?

The answer is pretty clear and it is unlikely to be praised by fans of a “lossless” game – NO! Theoretically martingale works, if you can infinitely increase the bet. In practice, your wallet is not infinite, but still there are limits of the table. Those who are interested in it can read the article with criticism of the martingale, I’m about to make an official statement – no betting system change the ME of the game!!! As a result of use of betting systems of martingale type dispersion may vary. In the end of the game on martingale system you will win little money many times, and then you will lose once, but such a large sum that it will override all previous winnings. And it does not depend on the honesty or dishonesty of the casino; this is pure mathematics, the theory of probability.

Some gamblers are obsessed with an idea, similar to the previous one, it looks as follows: “I go to a game, bet, if I win I go away, if I lose I play until you I win back, as soon as I run a surplus, I go away”. So here, winning one bet for a call, can you really run a surplus all the time? Alas, there I cannot please you with anything. The situation here is the same as with a martingale. Some time you will manage to fulfill your plan for winning one chip, but in the long run, necessarily a day will come when, from the beginning you will go in minus, will not be able to fight back and eventually will lose much more than you have won before. Some gamblers ask this question: “I heard about the optimum strategy of blackjack (video poker and etc.). If I follow this strategy, how much can I win?”

To answer this question, I shall start speaking in a roundabout way Casino games are divided into two large groups – games that depend only on luck (luck games) and games that depend also on the skill of the gambler (skill games). Examples of the first group of games are roulette, baccarat, craps, slots, and an example of the second – blackjack, various forms of pokers. To distinguish these two types of games is very simple – if you only do one bet and don’t make any decisions until the end of the game – this is purely a game of luck. If in the course of the game you are taking further decisions – what cards to change, to continue the game or no, to increase the bet or leave the previous one, whether to buy another card and etc., it is a game that require specific knowledge of the game and skills – a skill game. In games of luck ME depends only on the type of bet of the gambler, the gambler’s actions can’t affect the ME. For example, in European roulette any bet gives ME -2,7%. In the bones ME depends on the type of bet and varies from 1.4% to -11%, a smart gambler will choose those types of betting, where the ME is maximum (although here some knowledge is required), but he cannot do more than that.

Now let’s take blackjack, there after the deposit the gambler receives a number of possible actions. Forinstance, you are dealt 55, you can stop (well, it is obviously stupid, any card bought can only improve your position, you can’t take too much), divide the fives (it is also not very clever, in a pack there is a lot of ten-point cards, so there is a high probability that you will find yourself with 15 points on the hands – one of the worst options), double (a good option, again because of the large number of tens you can improve to 20 points) or just buy. It is clear, that if you make the wrong decision, then you will reduce the chances of winning. Accordingly, the basic strategy says the gambler, what action will be the most correct (profitable) in each situation. Somewhere this strategy will be quite simple, for example, in red dog you should raise, if the variance between the cards is 7 and above. In blackjack the strategy is a table of the actions of the order of 30х10, but they are relatively easy to remember, in blackjack switch you already can’t remember the optimal strategy, and in Texas bonus holdem gamblers even don’t try to formulate it – too much is coming out. All the best strategy are calculated on computers, by following them you’ll get the most of the game, however, the game still will have for the gambler negative ME! Yes, an optimal, that’s to say a basic strategy, provides the maximum ME for the gambler, but the casino will continue to have an advantage. If you play blackjack following the wrong strategy, you will lose up to 10% ME, following the same basic strategy reduces the advantage of the casino only up to 0.5%. In light of the above mentioned the repeatedly stated questions: “Say, if I win in the casino, how much money shall I be allowed to withdraw?” please me very much. It is obvious, that the question is asked by the man, having with the edge of the ear heard about the “safe” martingale, who has already begun to build the crystal castles, having never played for money. I will repeat once again – safe game systems do not exist, it is theoretically impossible to win in the casino always. Try to play for real money, and such silly questions will disappear themselves. Speaking seriously, in major casino you will not have any problems with the withdrawal of winning at least up to hundreds of thousand dollars. Proceeding from the above mentioned, a question may arise: “So that, is it impossible to win in an online casino?” Of course you can! A question is that you cannot be guaranteed to win! I personally have repeatedly withdrawn hundreds of dollars of winnings in different casinos. I know the case when a gambler with a few hundred dollars moved ahead to nearly 20 thousand in blackjack and successfully took the money. The most amazing event was when a gambler got a $30 deposit and was able to spin on the roulette to more than thirty thousand dollars just for a couple of days. However, this was not the first “free” gambler’s account, with fictitious data, the gambler didn’t start the struggle for money and practically the same day merged everything in the same roulette (it once again proves the fact that we can’t always win). Unfortunately for gamblers, casino games are created in such a way that the institution has a small mathematical advantage over the gambler. Yes, due to the luck we can win a lot or fluctuate in a small plus for a week, but in the long run, if you play a lot, you are sure to finish in negative territory (except for the fortunate few people who are lucky enough to disrupt a very large jackpot). Theoretically, there are options to turn fortune to your face: bonuses can make you a plus gambler, there is a game with a zero ME in casino Betfair, and a few ways are given in the article “Is it possible to beat the online casino?” But on the whole you shouldn’t especially hope for enrichment at the expense of the casino, people in the West have long considered the casino as a variant of fun, a chance to tickle their nerves. Hope for a big win, of course, warms the hearts of all the gamblers, but you should also be prepared for the loss – “hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst”. I shall note for some gamblers that for this reason you must never play on borrowed money, in straitened financial circumstances, etc. If you believe in the win – don’t play, you are most likely mistaken.

I hope this article has not disappointed you too much. I would like you to make for yourself two conclusions after reading: 1) you should play in reliable casino, read the website, forum and find a really reputable casino; 2) safe strategies of the game do not exist. A casino can be beaten, but it is impossible to guarantee a winning. But on the whole casinos provide a possibility to have a good time, to win something, and online casinos provide opportunities to win no less than real ones and even have a number of advantages.

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